KBH BV, trading under Bioethanolshop, pays the utmost attention to the information on its websites. Although we take the greatest possible care when compiling the information provided on this website, we cannot guarantee that this information is always complete, correct or complete. Nor do we guarantee that its use will lead to the correct results or that the information is suitable for specific purposes. KBH BV reserves all rights in relation to the information provided on this site. Publication in any other way or processing of that information is not permitted without prior consent from KBH BV. Please address your requests to [email protected].
No liability
We cannot guarantee that the use of the information on this website does not infringe the rights of third parties. In no event shall KBH BV, its shareholders and/or employees, be liable for any damages whatsoever, direct or indirect, arising in any way from and/or resulting from the use of the (information on the) website.
You can reach us, among other things, by e-mail. However, the transmission of e-mail messages is never 100% secure. By sending us confidential and/or sensitive information by e-mail without encryption, you accept the risk that this information may become known to third parties.
A number of hyperlinks on this website lead to websites maintained by third parties over which KBH BV has no control. KBH BV gives no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the information on these websites. The presence of hyperlinks to third party websites does not mean that we sponsor or endorse their content.
We may change the information on this website at any time. However, we are not obliged to keep the information on the website up to date. If you have any questions as a result of the information on the website, you can of course always contact us.